Good and funny campaign slogans
This article presents good, free, funny, clever and original
examples of political campaign slogan for political parties and political
campaign ideas.
governments campaign slogans
- Let's us create a government as easily as we can create a company. The
right to group in communities and to create innovative
government is the new frontier of freedom.
- Let's choice a government according your personal values not to a
- Choice the political choice you like to be in.
- The national sovereignty and mass destructive weapon will be the tomb of
the world. Only the end of nation state monopole in extraterritorial can
save us.
- Extraterritorial government
is the only chance to have a policy according to our opinion.
- We want to be divided by community of opinion not by the states.
- Halt to artificial grouping in the name of solidarity. The right of gathering is the right of
choice. And the right is the right of thinking.
Tax revolt campaign slogans
- It is not because a service is useful that we have to pay for it. We will
pay for it only if it is the best use of our cash.
- Let's use choice between the welfare service we like, the one we would
like to pay for and the one we would rather have our cash back.
- Indirect financing of people with opposite values then us is like committing
a sin to our inner thought.
- Each money
flow decides the future of the world. The growth of capitalism is also
the increase
of intelligence in our way to spend money. One should oppose against
forced taxation if he need them to support better projects.
- Before taxation, there is oriented
taxes. We should have a choice in the administration and non profitable
organization who are beneficiary of our taxes.
- If solidarity is offered from the giver to the receiver, it is called compassion. If solidarity is taken from the receiver to the giver, it is
called a robbery.
- The purpose of work is to earn cash. Otherwise, we like to invest ourselves
in our projects.
Globalism campaign slogans
- Save the world from the nuclear threat by the create of a global
- A global government and not a global culture. Let's be divided in
community with government community to protect our cultural heritage and
- It is not because somebody is from another race that we might not like his
work and opinions. Let's us choice the tax, welfare and regulatory
environment of foreign government if we prefer them.
- A government is defined by a jurisdiction, social and economical system
and taxes and not territory. Why should EEC member not give up there
territory sovereignty and let the French becoming British, the British
becoming Irish, the Irish becoming German if they like to live in a
different economical and welfare system. It is more important to live in the
social system of our will than to be governed by people with our languages.
Multi monetary campaign slogans
- Better to be paid in a weak currency
than not to be paid at all.
- Different monetary choice should mean a choice of different moneys.
- Multi monetary is like staircases. State national currency is like a hole.
If we fell in it (loss of job, bankrupts), we might never be back.
Author: Hector