The purpose of this economic article is to present the rational developed economic policy based on the social advantages to have several monetary policies instead of a single currency on a territory. The purpose of this theory is to offer of tools for underdeveloped countries to stabilize the non-competing part of their economy in the process of globalization.
The multi-currency economy is economy which
run with several currencies of various nature. This kind of currency has existed in the past
during the transition between the barter economy and the money economy. In the
middle age, currencies took various form gold, copper, pepper. Everything which
can be considered as a reserve of value could become a currency.
In this page, we will be compared various
style of currencies: soft currency and hard currency, a convertible currency and
a non convertible currency,
a currency bases on interested rate and a currency
bases convertible with goods.
First, let's consider an economy which has two monetary
instruments: A hard currency (scarce)
and a soft currency
(abundant) which is only partially convertible with the hard currency. In this case,
the claim for convertibility of the soft currency with the hard currency will
be submitted to restriction. This restriction can have the shape of a waiting list.
A dual currency economy will induce a change in
the economic habits. A wage earner who works in private companies, would be
remunerated in two currencies according to the distribution of income of the company in the soft
currency and the hard currency. A separated interest rate policy will be handled by
monetary authorities according to the national economic situation. If the
national economy is slow compared to the international economy, the interest rate of the soft currency will be lower than the
interested rate of
the hard currency. So, the soft currency will be for the government a flexible
instrument to manage the social situation of the country.
The major problem to handle would be
convertibility. Convertibility might be submitted to restriction. In this case,
the convertibility will be only to access goods only available in hard
currency. It can also be handled a waiting list of swap orders. In this case, the value of the
swap orders will increase
as soon as the swap order got closer.
Companies will seek to sell their
product against the strongest currency because the strongest currency
better investment opportunities. The strongest currency is more appealing to the employees and
it offer the possibility to buy the largest range of products. However, in a stagnant economical
context, the economical actors ready to pay in hard currency is insufficient on the market
whereas those ready to pay against a soft currency is superabundant. The selling
out of the production of the companies will be done easily with the soft
currency. It will establish the distinction between two types of
companies: companies which produces competing products on the
international market and the others. The exporting companies will have a normal
provision of hard currency whereas other companies can obtain hard currencies only
if they sell their products to these exporting companies.
Companies which use exclusively the soft currency will be those which sell exclusively to the local market.
Consumers will keep their hard currency for financial
placements in order to profit from the best investment opportunities so
consumer will rather like to spend their soft currency. So, in a similar product
is on the market in both currencies, the transaction in soft currency will have the preference
of the buyer (even at higher
price) because buyer would prefer to save their hard currency than the soft
However, some producer might need to buy
some equipments in hard currency to produce a good and other in soft currency.
But, due to lack of hard currency available in the market, It is probable that
in order to reduce the prices as much as possible. Certain salesman fixes
a minimal price in hard currency and tries to sell with profit against the soft
currency. The sale offer proposed against two currencies: weak and strong.
It might seem that such system is likely to strongly
complicate business and the life of the consumers. In the era of
data-processing payment, this system is much simpler to put in practice than it
seems (especially with the use of electronic money). This complexity brought a
true degree of freedom to the local economy and preserving it from the global
economy. The market local asphyxiated by the shortage of the currency will be
able to finance new industrial projects. This market should
however bring together consumer who consume new technologies very little.
Monetary division will allow to develop the underdeveloped part of the country and to
adapt specific monetary policies to this part. Thus, it will be
possible to apply an economic policy to the specific social problems of the country. For example, if an insufficiency of consumption is
the cause of social trouble, a specific fiscal policy could be adopted to these area without
impacting other part of the economy. The best policy that I know, is the one
applied in South Korea and in Japan between 1970 and 1985. The state controls
the growth and uses market statistics assessment of the ministry of
the economy in order to direct investment to the most promising sectors of the
economy. So, many investments were directed to high technology which are considered by investors to be too risky or
provide solution which are far
away than present need of the domestic market.
The preceding example is not compatible with
the free market economical model if the market is managed by a single currency
but in the cause of a bi-monetary economy, it is possible to have a managed
economy and a free market economy.
Parallel to the development of a company in a planned economy, the exporting companies work with a hard
currency. Monetary separation will guarantee that the development policy of the
government has little negative incidence on their development. They are not
subjected to taxes and the monetary manipulation which can touch the soft currencies.
The economic development which left formerly inactive countries who are involved
in the economic development will make unjustified a strong part of the subsidies
which are provided to include liquidity in underdeveloped part of the economy. The
part of the country which functions with a hard currency, will be able in the
medium term to profit from a reduction of tax which reduces the competitively of
these companies on the international markets.
The best example of a soft currency is a
currency linked to a consumer good with a permanent demand. Let's take the
example of a currency backed to an abundant customer good: the real estate. The
currency could take the form of share of houses. The physical nature of this
currency will protect the currency from inflation. So, the
monetary authority will produce a construction company who constructed houses and pay workers in
fraction of the real estate produces. The workers of these new industries will
be remunerated with part of the housing block which will become a
currency. And such shares could be easily exchanged with all service whom the
member are ready to save their economy in properties.
The main inconvenient of such currency is
its absence of convertibility and the limited number of goods available to be
exchanged against this currency. Another inconvenient is that using housing as
a currency will reduced the scarcity of the building compare to other products
and if houses become too abundant, it will loss its possibility to be exchange
easily in another goods.
A more sophisticated monetary system
is to link several products with different level of scarcity to a currency and
create a range of currencies. For example, let suppose that:
rice |
wheat |
salt |
share of house |
iron |
gold |
are used as currency with a scarcity in this
ScarcityRice < ScarcityWheat <
ScarcitySalt < ScarcityHouse < ScarcityIron <
As a currency can be exchanged easily with
good and services of lowest scarcity, more you grows up in this scale more you
can exchange against the proposed currencies.
The scarcity of good can change. For
example, the fact of using salt as a currency might stimulate the salt
production which see his scarcity becoming lower than
the scarcity of wheat and rice. In this
case, the product and service available against salt will decrease and it would
become preferable to save in a wheat linked currency.
It might also happen that a bad crop
increase the scarcity of rice which begin more scarce than house. In this case,
the exchange possibility of people who has save in a rice currency will begin
In monetary system based on a ranged of link
currency, the saver should diversify his saving in a choice of various currency to face
the change of scarcity of those currencies.
This monetary system has the advantage of
the robustness has it will not be vulnerable to change of scarcities of the goods
use as a currency. If some goods become too abundant to stay a currency,
will be removed of the range of currencies and it will guarantee the
soundness of the economic system.
This web site has demonstrate that the coexistence of several monetary policies on the same territory is a valuable tools to manage the social risk of the globalization.
Copyright 2001
Author: Hector Archytas
Keyword: economics articles, economic articles, economic article, free research papers, research paper topics, research papers, self-financing economic projects