EPolLOcal Main
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EPolWS EPolWS.asmx
EPolWS EPolWS.cs
EPolConsole Main

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using System; using System.Text; //using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using EXDb97; using EXCommon; //###2 namespace EPol { public class CCommandManager : CCommandFactoryBase { public CCommandManager(P dLanguage) { m_dLanguage = dLanguage; m_oCommandContext = new CCommandContext(); m_oCommandLine = new CCommandLine(ref m_oCommandContext); } CCommandContext m_oCommandContext; public CCommandLine m_oCommandLine; public string m_sDatabaseName; public bool bInitDatabase(string sDatabaseName) { m_sDatabaseName = sDatabaseName; bool bRet = CDbConnectionManagement.CreateDatabase(sDatabaseName); if (bRet) { m_oOrganisationView = new COrganisationView(m_dLanguage, sDatabaseName); m_oProfileView = new CProfileView(m_dLanguage, sDatabaseName); m_oVoteManager = new CVoteManager(m_dLanguage, sDatabaseName); m_oCommandLineFactory = new CCommandLineFactory(sDatabaseName); } CTrace.i().vWriteSqlLn( "bInitDatabase bRet=" + bRet); return bRet; } public string sDatabaseName { get { return this.m_sDatabaseName; } } public P Language { get { return m_dLanguage; } set { m_dLanguage = value; } } public P m_dLanguage; COrganisationView m_oOrganisationView; CVoteManager m_oVoteManager; CCommandLineFactory m_oCommandLineFactory; public void vRegister() { m_oProfileView.vRegister(); m_oCommandLineFactory.vRegister(); } public SIndex SenderProfileIndex { get { return m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex; } } CProfileView m_oProfileView; public void vCleanAllData() { m_oProfileView.vCleanAllData(); m_oOrganisationView.vCleanAllData(); m_oVoteManager.vCleanAllData(); CDbEntityManager.Instance(this.m_sDatabaseName, m_dLanguage).vCleanAllData(); } public CDbEntityManager DbEntityManager { get { return CDbEntityManager.Instance(this.m_sDatabaseName, m_dLanguage); } } public bool bIsEmailRegistered(string sEmailAdress) { SIndex oAvatar = m_oProfileView.dGetProfileIndex(sEmailAdress); m_oCommandContext.vClear(); m_oCommandContext.SenderIndex = oAvatar; return IsUsed(oAvatar); } public bool bRegister(string sEmailAdress, P dLanguage, out string sPublicProfile) { SIndex oProfileIndex = m_oProfileView.dAddProfileFromEmail(sEmailAdress, dLanguage); if (IsUsed(oProfileIndex)) { string sUserID = csUsedIDFromEmailAdress(sEmailAdress) + ".public."; int dCounter = 0; ec dRC; do { sPublicProfile = sUserID + dCounter.ToString(); dRC = m_oProfileView.dAddPublicProfile(oProfileIndex, sPublicProfile, dLanguage); dCounter++; if (dCounter > 50) { return false; } } while (dRC != ec.ST_SUCCEED); m_oCommandContext.SenderIndex = oProfileIndex; CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Avatar,"m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable=" + m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable.csDumpTable()); return true; } sPublicProfile = null; return false; } public void vAdd(object oEvent, ec dStatus) { this.m_oCommandLine.vAdd(oEvent, dStatus); } public ec dAddRecipient(string sRecipient) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; if (sRecipient != "root" ) { SIndex oRecipientProfileIndex = m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable.dGetIndex(sRecipient); this.m_oCommandContext.MemberIndex = oRecipientProfileIndex; if (IsNotUsed(oRecipientProfileIndex)) { SIndex oOrganisationIndex = this.m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.dGetIndex(sRecipient); if (IsNotUsed(oOrganisationIndex)) { return ec.ST_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN; } else { this.m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation = oOrganisationIndex; } } } return dErrorCode; } public string Synopsis { get { return m_oCommandLineFactory.sGetSynopsis(m_oCommandLine); } } public CDbEntityManager.CDbEntityNameView GetKeywordView { get { return CDbEntityManager.Instance(this.m_sDatabaseName, m_dLanguage).GetKeywordView; } } public ec dExecute(P dCommand, P dEntity, string sEntityContent, string sOptionString, out string sTextMessage) { sTextMessage = ""; /* if ( sEntityContent != null && sEntityContent.Substring(0,1) == "$" ) { CIdentifier oIdentifier = m_oCommandContext.idGetVariable(sEntityContent); }*/ CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandManager, "dExecute Command=" + dCommand + " dEntity=" + dEntity + " sEntityContent=" + sEntityContent + " sOptionString=" + sOptionString); EPAssert(m_oCommandLineFactory != null, "m_oCommandLineFactory should be null"); m_oCommandLineFactory.vSet(ref m_oCommandContext); ec dErrorCode = m_oCommandLineFactory.dLoadOption(dCommand, dEntity, sEntityContent, sOptionString, out m_oCommandLine); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandManager,"m_oCommandLine = " + m_oCommandLine.csDump()); if (IsNotUsed(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex ) || m_oProfileView == null) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_PROFILE_UNDEFINED; } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.AVATAR) { dErrorCode = dExecuteAvatar( out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.ORGANISATION) { dErrorCode = dExecuteOrganisation( out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.MEMBER) { dErrorCode = dExecuteMember(out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.ACCESS) { dErrorCode = dExecuteAccess(out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.FRIEND) { dErrorCode = dExecuteFriend(out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.LINK) { dErrorCode = dExecuteLink(out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.TRADUCTION) { dErrorCode = dExecuteTraduction(out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.FUNCTION ) { dErrorCode = dExecuteFunction(m_oCommandLine, out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.MEME) { dErrorCode = dExecuteMeme(m_oCommandLine, out sTextMessage); } else if ( bIsA( dEntity, P.RULE) ) { dErrorCode = dExecuteRule(out sTextMessage); } else if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.IDENTIFIER) { dErrorCode = dExecuteIdentifier( out sTextMessage); } else if ((m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity >= P.FIRST_KEYWORD_INDEX) || bIsA(m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity, P.ATTRIBUTE) || GetKeywordView.dGetClass(m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity) == P.ATTRIBUTE) { CIdentifier oIdentifier; dErrorCode = dExecuteAttribute(m_oCommandLine, out oIdentifier, out sTextMessage); } else { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ENTITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; } m_oCommandContext.vSet(m_oCommandLine); return dErrorCode; } protected static bool bIsA(P dEntity, P dEntityParent) { return CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).bIsA(dEntity, dEntityParent); } protected ec dExecuteLink(out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; sTextMessage = ""; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command,P.CREATE)) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dLink(m_oCommandLine.idFind(P.IDENTIFIER), m_oCommandLine.idFind(P.IDENTIFIER_RESULT)); } return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteTraduction( out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; sTextMessage = ""; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.CREATE)) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dAddLinkTraduction(m_oCommandLine, m_oCommandLine.idFind(P.IDENTIFIER_RESULT), m_oCommandLine.AttributeType, m_oCommandLine.ContentName); } return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteIdentifier(out string sTextMessage) { ec dRC = ec.ST_SUCCEED; sTextMessage = ""; CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Identifier, "m_oCommandLine.ContentIdentifier= " + m_oCommandLine.ContentIdentifier); if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.VOTE_COUNT)) { dRC = m_oVoteManager.dVoteCountReport( m_oCommandLine, m_oCommandLine.ContentIdentifier, out sTextMessage); } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.SUPPORT)) { dRC = m_oVoteManager.dAddOpinion(m_oCommandLine, m_oCommandLine.ContentIdentifier, m_oCommandLine.idFind(P.AGAINST), out sTextMessage); } return dRC; } protected ec dExecuteRule(out string sTextMessage) { ec dRC = ec.ST_SUCCEED; sTextMessage = ""; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.VOTE_COUNT)) { m_oVoteManager.dVoteCountReport( m_oCommandLine, m_oCommandLine.idFind(P.IDENTIFIER), out sTextMessage); } else { CIdentifier oIdentifier = new CIdentifier(m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity, new CIdentifier(P.RULE_CLASS), new CEntityArray(CDbEntityManager.Instance(m_sDatabaseName,m_dLanguage).oGetEntity(m_dLanguage, P.NAME, m_oCommandLine.ContentName ))); oIdentifier.vAdd(P.LANGUAGE, (int)m_oCommandLine.Language); // string sRuleDescription = m_oCommandLine.sFind(P.COMMENT); if (oIdentifier.Language != P.ENGLISH) { dRC = ec.ST_RULE_SHOULD_HAVE_AT_LEAST_A_VERSION_IN_ENGLISH; } else { if (m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.PRINCIPLE) { // oAvatarIndex.dSubIndex = PUBLIC_PROFILE_SUB_INDEX; } if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.CREATE)) { dRC = m_oProfileView.dAddRule(m_oCommandLine, m_oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity, m_oCommandLine.ContentName, oIdentifier, m_oCommandLine.sFind(P.COMMENT)); if (dRC == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { m_oVoteManager.dAddOpinion(m_oCommandLine, m_oProfileView.LastMemeVersion, true, out sTextMessage); } } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command , P.VOTE) ) { int dRuleIdentifierIndex; dRC = m_oProfileView.dGetRule(oIdentifier, m_oCommandLine.ContentName, out dRuleIdentifierIndex); if (dRC == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { m_oVoteManager.dAddOpinion(m_oCommandLine, new SIndex(dRuleIdentifierIndex), m_oCommandLine.Command == P.SUPPORT, out sTextMessage); } } } } return dRC; } /* protected int dExecutePrinciple(SCommand oCommand, SIndex oOrganisationIndex, SEntity[] oCategoryOption) { ec dRC = ec.ST_SUCCEED; dRC = m_oProfileView.dAddAttribute(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, oOrganisationIndex, P.RULE, sAttributeName, STRING_4000_TYPE, sAttributeContent, oCategoryOption); return dRC; } */ protected ec dExecuteFunction(CCommandLine oCommandLine, out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; sTextMessage = ""; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.CREATE)) { if (m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine == null) { return ec.ST_VARIABLE_NO_COMMAND_LINE_ASSOCIATED_TO_THE_VARIABLE; } CIdentifier oAttributeIdentifier; //dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dCreateAttributeIdentifier(m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine.AttributeClass, m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine, out oAttributeIdentifier); dErrorCode = dExecuteAttribute(m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine, out oAttributeIdentifier, out sTextMessage); if ( oAttributeIdentifier != null) { /* CMemeArray oMemeArray; int dCount; dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dGetMeme(m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine, oAttributeIdentifier, out oMemeArray, out dCount); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, "oMemeArray " + oMemeArray.ToString() + " dCount = " + dCount ); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, " m_oCommandLine.CommandContext.vAdd ContentName = " + m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine.ContentName + " " + oAttributeIdentifier.csDump() ); */ m_oCommandLine.CommandContext.vAdd(m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine.ContentName, oAttributeIdentifier); } } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.SUPPORT)) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, "dExecuteFunction oCommandLine = " + oCommandLine.csDump() ); if ( oCommandLine.bIsAVariable && oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine != null ) { CCommandLine oWinningCommandLine = oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine; CIdentifier oWinningAttributeIdentifier; // oLosingAttributeIdentifier; dErrorCode = dExecuteAttribute(m_oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine, out oWinningAttributeIdentifier, out sTextMessage); if ( oWinningAttributeIdentifier != null) { CCommandLine oCommandLineLosing = oCommandLine.clFind(P.AGAINST); CIdentifier oLosingAttributeIdentifier=null; if ( oCommandLineLosing != null) { string sTextMessage2; dErrorCode = dExecuteAttribute(oCommandLineLosing, out oLosingAttributeIdentifier, out sTextMessage2); sTextMessage += sTextMessage2; CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, "dExecuteFunction oWinningAttributeIdentifier = " + oWinningAttributeIdentifier.csDump() ); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, "dExecuteFunction oLosingAttributeIdentifier = " + oLosingAttributeIdentifier.csDump() ); } dErrorCode = m_oVoteManager.dAddOpinion(m_oCommandLine, oWinningAttributeIdentifier, oLosingAttributeIdentifier, out sTextMessage); } //dErrorCode = dExecuteAttribute() , out sTextMessage); } } return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteMeme( CCommandLine oCommandLine, out string sTextMessage) { sTextMessage = null; ec dErrorCode = m_oVoteManager.dAddOpinion(oCommandLine, oCommandLine.ContentIndex, oCommandLine.iFind(P.AGAINST), oCommandLine.iFind(P.PRINCIPLE)); return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteAttribute( CCommandLine oCommandLine, out CIdentifier oAttributeIdentifier, out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; sTextMessage = ""; if (bIsA(oCommandLine.Command, P.CREATE)) { EPAssert(IsUsed(oCommandLine.AttributeType), "Forget to specify attribute type of " + oCommandLine.AttributeType.ToString()); if (IsNotUsed(oCommandLine.AttributeType)) { oAttributeIdentifier = null; dErrorCode = ec.ST_ATTRIBUTE_CREATE_TYPE_SHOULD_BE_SPECIFIED; } else { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dAddAttribute( oCommandLine.AttributeClass, oCommandLine, oCommandLine.ContentText, out oAttributeIdentifier); } } else { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dCreateAttributeIdentifier( oCommandLine.AttributeClass, oCommandLine, out oAttributeIdentifier); EPAssert( oCommandLine.Command > P.NONE, oCommandLine.Command + " should be found"); if ( oCommandLine.Command<= P.NONE) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND_IS_UNKNOWN; return dErrorCode; } if (bIsA( oCommandLine.Command,P.DISPLAY) ) { CMemeArray oMemeArray; int dCount; if ( oCommandLine.bIsAVariable ) { oMemeArray = m_oCommandLine.CommandContext.maGetVariable(m_oCommandLine.ContentName); dCount = oMemeArray.Length; } else { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dGetMeme(oCommandLine, oAttributeIdentifier, out oMemeArray, out dCount); } string sOptionAddress; m_oProfileView.GetIdentifierView.dConvert(oAttributeIdentifier, true, out sOptionAddress); sTextMessage = sOptionAddress + "->\n"; SMemeDisplay[] oContentArray; m_oOrganisationView.vGetMemeContent( oCommandLine.SenderIndex.dIndex, oMemeArray, out oContentArray); for (int i = 0; i < oContentArray.Length; i++) { sTextMessage += oContentArray[i].iMeme + " " + oContentArray[i].sAuthorName + " has " + oContentArray[i].sAddress; if (oContentArray[i].sContent != null) { sTextMessage += " is " + oContentArray[i].sContent + '\n'; } else { sTextMessage += ": You have no access authorization to this content\n"; } } string sVariableName = oCommandLine.sFind(P.VARIABLE); if ( oMemeArray != null && sVariableName != null ) { m_oCommandContext.vAdd(sVariableName, oMemeArray); } } else { if (bIsA( oCommandLine.Command, P.UPDATE)) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dUpdateMeme( oCommandLine, oAttributeIdentifier, oCommandLine.ContentText); } else if (bIsA( oCommandLine.Command, P.SHOW) ) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dShowToAvatar( oCommandLine, oAttributeIdentifier); } else if (bIsA(oCommandLine.Command, P.HIDE) ) { SIndex oSender; dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dHideToAvatar( oCommandLine, oAttributeIdentifier, out oSender); } else if (bIsA( oCommandLine.Command, P.VOTE)) { dErrorCode = m_oVoteManager.dAddOpinion( oCommandLine, oAttributeIdentifier, null, out sTextMessage); } else if (bIsA( oCommandLine.Command, P.VOTE_COUNT)) { dErrorCode = m_oVoteManager.dVoteCountReport( oCommandLine, oAttributeIdentifier, out sTextMessage); } } } return dErrorCode; } /// /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// protected ec dExecuteAvatar(out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; sTextMessage = ""; if ( m_oCommandLine.Command== P.CREATE) { if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { if (IsNotUsed( m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.PARENT))) { SIndex oPublicProfile= m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex; oPublicProfile.dSubIndex = PUBLIC_PROFILE_SUB_INDEX; dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dAddAvatar(m_oCommandLine.ContentName, oPublicProfile, m_oCommandLine.Language, out oPublicProfile); } else { SIndex oSenderIndex; dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dAddAvatar(m_oCommandLine.ContentName, m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.PARENT), m_oCommandLine.Language, out oSenderIndex); m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex = oSenderIndex; } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Avatar,"m_oProfileView = " + m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable.csDumpTable()); if (IsNotUsed(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex)) { sTextMessage = "Failed"; dErrorCode = ec.ST_PROFILE_AVATAR_NOT_CREATED; m_oCommandLine.SenderProfileSubIndex = m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.PARENT).dSubIndex; } else { m_oCommandContext.SenderIndex = m_oCommandContext.SenderIndex; } } } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.LIST)) { dErrorCode = dGetListReport(m_oCommandLine.NoodIndex, true, m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable, out sTextMessage); } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.UPDATE)) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dCheckIfAvatarOfEmail(m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.AVATAR), m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex); if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { m_oCommandContext.SenderIndex = m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex = m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.AVATAR); dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dUpdateLanguage(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, m_oCommandLine.Language); string csNewName = m_oCommandLine.sFind(P.NAME); if (csNewName != null) { // dErrorCode = dIsNotLegalNameToUse(csNewName); if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { if (csNewName != null) dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dRename(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, csNewName); } } } } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.REMOVE)) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dCheckIfAvatarOfEmail(m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.AVATAR), m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex); m_oCommandLine.SenderProfileSubIndex = CDbEPBase.PUBLIC_PROFILE_SUB_INDEX; m_oCommandContext.SenderIndex = m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex; if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dDelete(m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.AVATAR)); m_oCommandLine.vClear(P.AVATAR); } } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.MOVE)) { dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dCheckIfAvatarOfEmail(m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.AVATAR), m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex); if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex = m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.AVATAR); } } else if (m_oCommandLine.Command == P.ADD) { return dExecuteMember( out sTextMessage); } else { sTextMessage = " The command " + m_oCommandLine.Command + " is not supported the avatar entity"; dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; } return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteMember( out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; sTextMessage = ""; SIndex oMemberIndex = m_oCommandLine.MemberIndex; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command , P.CREATE)) { if (IsNotUsed(oMemberIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN; } else if (oMemberIndex.dSubIndex == -1) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ORGANISATION_ADD_MEMBER_THE_LOGIN_PROFILE_CAN_NOT_BE_ADDED; } else { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.dAddMember(m_oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex, m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, oMemberIndex); } EPAssert(dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED, "Adding member failed"); } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command,P.LIST)) { if (IsUsed(m_oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex)) { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.dGetListMember(m_oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex, out sTextMessage); } else { dErrorCode = ec.ST_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN; } } return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteAccess( out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; sTextMessage = ""; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command,P.CREATE)) { SIndex oOrganisationIndex = m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.dGetIndex(m_oCommandLine.ContentName); if (IsNotUsed(oOrganisationIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN; } else { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.GetMemberTable.dSetAccess(oOrganisationIndex, m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, true); } } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.REMOVE)) { if (IsNotUsed(m_oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN; } else { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.GetMemberTable.dSetAccess(m_oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex, m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, false); } } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.LIST)) { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.dGetListAvatarWithPrivilegeAccess(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, out sTextMessage); } return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteFriend( out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; sTextMessage = null; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command,P.LIST)) { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.dGetListFriend(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, out sTextMessage); } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.CREATE)) { if (IsUsed(m_oCommandLine.ContentIndex)) { if (IsUsed(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex)) { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.GetProfileView.GetFriendTable.dGrantAccess(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, m_oCommandLine.ContentIndex); } } else if (m_oCommandLine.ContentIndex.dSubIndex == PRIVATE_PROFILE_SUB_INDEX) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_PROFILE_NOBODY_CAN_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_YOUR_PRIVATE_PROFILE; } else { dErrorCode = ec.ST_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN; } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Avatar,"m_oOrganisationView.GetProfileView.GetFriendTable = " + m_oOrganisationView.GetProfileView.GetFriendTable.csDumpTable()); } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command,P.REMOVE)) { if (IsUsed(m_oCommandLine.ContentIndex)) { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.GetProfileView.GetFriendTable.dRevokeAccess(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex, m_oCommandLine.ContentIndex); } else { dErrorCode = ec.ST_RECIPIENT_UNKNOWN; } } return dErrorCode; } protected ec dExecuteOrganisation( out string sTextMessage) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; sTextMessage = ""; if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command, P.CREATE)) { if (IsNotUsed(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ORGANISATION_CREATION_AVATAR_SHOULD_BE_SPECIFIED; } SIndex oActorProfile = iGetPublicProfileIfLoginProfile(m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex); if (m_oCommandLine.ContentName == null || m_oCommandLine.ContentName == "") { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ORGANISATION_CREATION_ORGANISATION_NAME_UNKNOWN; } if ( IsUsed(m_oCommandLine.Language) && m_oCommandLine.Language != m_oOrganisationView.GetProfileView.dGetLanguage(oActorProfile)) { return ec.ST_ORGANISATION_LANGUAGE_SHOULD_BE_THE_SAME_THAN_THE_AVATAR_LANGUAGE; } else { if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { SIndex oParentOrganisationIndex = m_oCommandLine.iFind(P.PARENT); if (IsNotUsed(oParentOrganisationIndex)) { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.dAddOrganisation(m_oCommandLine.ContentName, m_oCommandLine.bHasOption(P.VIRTUAL), oActorProfile); } else { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.dAddOrganisation(m_oCommandLine.ContentName, oParentOrganisationIndex, m_oCommandLine.bHasOption(P.VIRTUAL), iGetPublicProfileIfLoginProfile(oActorProfile)); } if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { m_oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex = m_oOrganisationView.dGetOrganisationIndex(m_oCommandLine.ContentName); } } } } else { if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command,P.LIST)) { dErrorCode = dGetListReport(m_oCommandLine.NoodIndex, true, m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable, out sTextMessage); } else if (bIsA(m_oCommandLine.Command,P.REMOVE)) { dErrorCode = m_oOrganisationView.dDelete(m_oCommandLine.ContentIndex, m_oCommandLine.SenderIndex); } else { sTextMessage = " The command " + m_oCommandLine.Command + " is not supported the avatar entity"; dErrorCode = ec.ST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_ENTITY; } } return dErrorCode; } ec dGetListReport(SIndex oParentIndex, bool bIsRecursive, CDbTreeTable oTreeTable, out string sText) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Report, "oTreeTable=" + oTreeTable.csDumpTable()); ec dError = ec.ST_SUCCEED; CTreeListReport oListReport; CSubIndexArray oSubIndexArray; if (m_oCommandLine.bHasOption(P.LANGUAGE) == false) { oSubIndexArray = new CSubIndexWithNameArray(); oTreeTable.dGetSubIndex(oParentIndex, bIsRecursive, ref oSubIndexArray); oListReport = new CTreeListReport(); } else { oSubIndexArray = new CSubIndexWithNameArray(LANGUAGE_FIELD); oTreeTable.dGetSubIndex(oParentIndex, bIsRecursive, ref oSubIndexArray); oListReport = new CTreeListReport("Language"); } if (oSubIndexArray == null) { sText = null; dError = ec.ST_REPORT_EMPTY; } else { oListReport.vConstruct((CSubIndexWithNameArray)oSubIndexArray); sText = oListReport.sText; } return dError; } } /// /// Summary description for DbVariableTable. /// /// public class CTreeListReport : CListReport { public CTreeListReport() : base(3) { m_sComplementField = null; } public CTreeListReport(int dSize) : base(dSize) { m_sComplementField = null; } public CTreeListReport(string sComplementField) : base(4) { m_sComplementField = sComplementField; } string m_sComplementField; public virtual void vConstruct(CSubIndexWithNameArray oSubIndexArray) { vSetHeader(0, "Name"); vSetHeader(1, "Parent"); vSetHeader(2, "Modified"); if (m_sComplementField != null) { vSetHeader(3, m_sComplementField); } for (int dLn = 0; dLn < oSubIndexArray.Count; dLn++) { vAddRow(); vSetLastRow(0, oSubIndexArray.sGetName(dLn)); vSetLastRow(1, oSubIndexArray.sGetParentName(dLn)); vSetLastRow(2, oSubIndexArray.oGetParameter(dLn, CSubIndexArray.DATE_POSITION)); if (m_sComplementField != null) { vSetLastRow(3, oSubIndexArray.oGetComplement(dLn)); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Report,"oGetComplement(dLn)=" + oSubIndexArray.oGetComplement(dLn)); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Report, "sGetRow =" + ((CArrayLineReport)m_oReportArray[dLn]).sText); } } } /* protected virtual string sDateValue(object oValue) { if (oValue == null) return ""; string sDate = ""; try { DateTime oDate = Convert.ToDateTime(oValue); sDate = oDate.ToShortDateString(); } catch { sDate = "unknown"; } return sDate; } protected virtual string sComplementValue(object oValue) { if (oValue == null) return "null"; if (oValue is P) { return ((P)oValue).ToString().ToLower(); } else { return oValue.ToString(); } } * */ } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CVariableListReport : CListReport { public CVariableListReport(params string[] sHeaderArray) : base(sHeaderArray.Length) { for (int dCl = 0; dCl < sHeaderArray.Length; dCl++) { vSetHeader(dCl, sHeaderArray[dCl]); } } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CListReport : CRecusiveReport { public CListReport(int dColumnCount) { m_oHeader = new CArrayLineReport(dColumnCount); } protected CArrayLineReport m_oHeader; public void vSetHeader(params string[] strValueArray) { EPAssert(strValueArray.Length == m_oHeader.Length, "Unmatch header with column number"); for (int i = 0; i < strValueArray.Length; i++) { m_oHeader[i] = strValueArray[i]; } } public void vSetHeader(int i, string strValue) { m_oHeader[i]= strValue; } public void vSetLastRow(int i, object oValue) { if (m_oReportArray != null && m_oReportArray.Count > 0) { string sValue; if (oValue is P) { sValue = ((P)oValue).ToString().ToLower(); } else if (oValue == null) { sValue = "null"; } else if (oValue is DateTime) { try { DateTime oDate = Convert.ToDateTime(oValue); sValue = oDate.ToShortDateString(); } catch { sValue = "bad date"; } } else { sValue = oValue.ToString(); } ((CArrayLineReport)m_oReportArray[m_oReportArray.Count - 1])[i] = sValue; } } public void vSetLastRow(object[] oValues) { if (m_oReportArray != null && m_oReportArray.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < oValues.Length; i++) { vSetLastRow(i, oValues[i] ); } } } int dComputeColumnLength(out int[] dColumnLength) { dColumnLength = new int[m_oHeader.Length]; int dRowLength = 0; for (int dCol = 0; dCol < m_oHeader.Length; dCol++) { int dLength = m_oHeader[dCol].Length; for (int dLn = 0; dLn < m_oReportArray.Count; dLn++) { if (m_oReportArray[dLn] is CArrayLineReport) { string sDisplay = ((CArrayLineReport)m_oReportArray[dLn])[dCol]; if (sDisplay != null && dLength < sDisplay.Length) { dLength = sDisplay.Length; } } } dColumnLength[dCol] = dLength; dRowLength += dLength + 1; CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Report, " m_dColumnLength[dCol] = " + dColumnLength[dCol]); } return dRowLength; } public void vAdd(params object[] oValueArray) { vAddRow(oValueArray); } public void vAddRow(object[] oValueArray) { if (m_oReportArray != null) { vAddRow(); vSetLastRow(oValueArray); } } protected void vAddRow() { if (m_oReportArray != null) { m_oReportArray.Add(new CArrayLineReport(m_oHeader.Length)); } } public override string sGetText(int dColPos) { int[] dColumnLengthArray; int dRowLength = dComputeColumnLength(out dColumnLengthArray); StringBuilder sReport = new StringBuilder(); sReport.Append(m_oHeader.sGetTextWithBorder(dColPos, dColumnLengthArray) + "\n"); for (int dLn = 0; dLn < m_oReportArray.Count; dLn++) { if (m_oReportArray[dLn] is CArrayLineReport) { sReport.Append(((CArrayLineReport)m_oReportArray[dLn]).sGetText(dColPos, dColumnLengthArray) + "\n"); } } return sReport.ToString(); } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public abstract class CSingleLineReport : CReport { public CSingleLineReport() { } static public string sTextWithBorder(int dColPos, string _sText) { string sIdentation = sGetString(' ', dColPos); string sInterLine = sGetString('-', _sText.Length); StringBuilder sReport = new StringBuilder(); sReport.Append(sIdentation); sReport.Append(sInterLine + "\n"); sReport.Append(sIdentation); sReport.Append(_sText + "\n"); sReport.Append(sIdentation); sReport.Append(sInterLine + "\n"); return sReport.ToString(); } /* public override string sGetText(int dColPos) { return sGetString(' ', dColPos) + sReport.sText; } */ } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CTextLineReport : CSingleLineReport { public CTextLineReport() { m_enStyle = ENStyle.Normal; } ENStyle m_enStyle; public enum ENStyle { Normal, Title } public ENStyle Style { get { return m_enStyle; } set { m_enStyle = value; } } string m_sTextLine; /*public void vSetText(int dProfileIndex, string sText) { m_sTextLine = MEMBER + dProfileIndex + ' ' + sText; }*/ public void vSetText( string sText) { m_sTextLine = sText; } public override string sGetText(int dColPos) { if (m_enStyle == ENStyle.Normal) { return sGetString(' ', dColPos) + m_sTextLine; } else if (m_enStyle == ENStyle.Title) { return sTextWithBorder(dColPos, m_sTextLine); } return null; } public override ec dReplace(string sPrefixe, string sNewPrefixe, SortedList oMapList) { return dReplace(sPrefixe, sNewPrefixe, oMapList, ref m_sTextLine); } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CArrayLineReport : CSingleLineReport { public CArrayLineReport(int dColumnCount) { m_oColumnArray = new string[dColumnCount]; } string[] m_oColumnArray; public int Length { get { return m_oColumnArray.Length; } } public string this[int i] { get { return m_oColumnArray[i]; } set { m_oColumnArray[i] = value; } } public override ec dReplace(string sPrefixe, string sNewPrefixe, SortedList oMapList) { ec dRC=ec.ST_SUCCEED; for (int i = 0; i < m_oColumnArray.Length; i++) { dRC = dReplace( sPrefixe, sNewPrefixe, oMapList, ref m_oColumnArray[i]); if ( dRC != ec.ST_SUCCEED) break; } return dRC; } public string sGetTextWithBorder(int dColPos, int[] dColumnLengthArray) { string _sText = sGetText(0, dColumnLengthArray); return sTextWithBorder(dColPos, _sText); } public string sGetText(int dColPos, int[] dColumnLengthArray) { StringBuilder sRow = new StringBuilder(); sRow.Append(sGetString(' ',dColPos)); int dCurrentColPos = dColPos; for (int dCol = 0; dCol < m_oColumnArray.Length && (IsNotUsed(LastColPos) || dCurrentColPos < LastColPos); dCol++) { sRow.Append(m_oColumnArray[dCol]); int dColumnItemLength = 0; if (m_oColumnArray[dCol] != null) { dColumnItemLength = m_oColumnArray[dCol].Length; } if (dColumnLengthArray == null) { sRow.Append( ' '); dCurrentColPos += dColumnItemLength + 1; } else { dCurrentColPos += dColumnLengthArray[dCol]; sRow.Append(sGetString(' ', dColumnLengthArray[dCol] - dColumnItemLength + 1)); } } return sRow.ToString(); } public override string sGetText(int dColPos) { return sGetText(dColPos, null); } public void vSet(object[] oValueArray) { EPAssert(oValueArray != null, "Should not be null"); for (int dCol = 0; dCol < oValueArray.Length; dCol++) { m_oColumnArray[dCol] = oValueArray[dCol].ToString(); } } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public abstract class CReport : CDbEPBase { public CReport() { m_dFirstColPos = 0; m_dLastColPos = NOT_USED; } public static string sGetString(char cChar, int dLength) { StringBuilder sRow = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < dLength; j++) { sRow.Append(cChar); } return sRow.ToString(); } protected int m_dFirstColPos, m_dLastColPos; public virtual int FirstColPos { get { return m_dFirstColPos; } set { m_dFirstColPos = value; } } public virtual int LastColPos { get { return m_dLastColPos; } set { m_dLastColPos = value; } } public virtual string sText { get { return sGetText(m_dFirstColPos); } } public const string MEMBER = "member_"; public const string MEME = "meme_"; public abstract string sGetText(int dColPos); public abstract ec dReplace(string sPrefixe, string sNewPrefixe, SortedList oMapList); public static ec dReplace(string sPrefixe, string sNewPrefixe, SortedList oMapList, ref string str) { try { int dIndex = 0; while ((dIndex = str.IndexOf(sPrefixe, dIndex)) >= 0) { int dBlankIndex = str.IndexOf(' '); if (dBlankIndex < 0) dBlankIndex = str.Length - 1; string sKey = str.Substring(dIndex + sPrefixe.Length, dBlankIndex - dIndex - sPrefixe.Length); string sNewValue = oMapList[Convert.ToInt32(sKey)].ToString(); if (sNewValue == null) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Report, "dReaplece can not find sKey " + sKey); return ec.ST_REPORT_THE_PROFILE_IS_NOT_MAP; } str.Replace(sPrefixe + sKey, sNewPrefixe + sNewValue); } } catch(Exception e) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Report, "dReplace conversion failure from " + sPrefixe + " to " + sNewPrefixe + " : " + e.Message); } return ec.ST_SUCCEED; } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CRecusiveReport : CReport { public CRecusiveReport() { m_oReportArray = new ArrayList(10); m_dDefaultLineIdentation = 0; } int m_dDefaultLineIdentation; public int DefaultLineIdentation { set { m_dDefaultLineIdentation = value; } get { return m_dDefaultLineIdentation; } } public bool Active { set { if (value) { m_oReportArray = new ArrayList(10); } else { m_oReportArray = null; } } get { return m_oReportArray != null; } } protected ArrayList m_oReportArray; public override int FirstColPos { get { return m_dFirstColPos; } set { m_dFirstColPos = value; for (int i = 0; i < m_oReportArray.Count; i++) { ((CReport)m_oReportArray[i]).FirstColPos = ((CReport)m_oReportArray[i]).FirstColPos + value; } } } public void vSetTitle(string sTitle) { if (m_oReportArray != null) { CTextLineReport oTextLineReport = new CTextLineReport(); oTextLineReport.Style = CTextLineReport.ENStyle.Title; oTextLineReport.vSetText(sTitle); m_oReportArray.Add(oTextLineReport); } } public void vAdd(CReport oReport) { if (m_oReportArray != null) { m_oReportArray.Add(oReport); } } public override ec dReplace(string sPrefixe, string sNewPrefixe, SortedList oMapList) { ec dRC = ec.ST_SUCCEED; for (int i = 0; i < m_oReportArray.Count; i++) { dRC = ((CReport)m_oReportArray[i]).dReplace(sPrefixe, sNewPrefixe, oMapList); if (dRC != ec.ST_SUCCEED) break; } return dRC; } public override string sGetText(int dColPos) { if (m_oReportArray != null) { StringBuilder sRow = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < m_oReportArray.Count; i++) { sRow.Append(((CReport)m_oReportArray[i]).sGetText( dColPos)); } return sRow.ToString(); } return null; } public override string sText { get { return sGetText(0); } } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CRandomIndex { public CRandomIndex(int dCount) { m_oRandomIndex = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < dCount; i++) { m_oRandomIndex.Add(i); } } ArrayList m_oRandomIndex; public int dRandomIndex { get { Random oRandom = new Random(); int dIndex = oRandom.Next(m_oRandomIndex.Count - 1); int dRandomIndex = (int)m_oRandomIndex[dIndex]; m_oRandomIndex.RemoveAt(dIndex); return dRandomIndex; } } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CTraceReport : CRecusiveReport { public CTraceReport() { m_oProfileList = new SortedList(); m_oMemeList = new SortedList(); } SortedList m_oProfileList, m_oMemeList; public ec dLoadProfile(ArrayList oArrayList) { if (Active) { return dLoad(ref m_oProfileList, oArrayList); } else { return ec.ST_TRACE_NOT_ACTIVE; } } public ec dLoadMeme(ArrayList oArrayList) { return dLoad(ref m_oMemeList, oArrayList); } static public ec dLoad(ref SortedList oSortedList, ArrayList oArrayList) { for (int i = 0; i < oArrayList.Count; i++) { CVoteBase.SProfile oProfile = (CVoteBase.SProfile)oArrayList[i]; // int dIndex = Convert.ToInt32(oRecord[0]); if (oSortedList.ContainsKey(oProfile.dIndex)) { oSortedList[oProfile.dIndex] = oProfile.sDisplayName; } else { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.TraceManager, "dLoad no Index= " + oProfile.dIndex); } } for (int j = 0; j < oSortedList.Count; j++) { if (oSortedList.GetByIndex(j).ToString() == NOT_USED_STR) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.TraceManager, "oSortedList unknown profile = " + oSortedList.GetKey(j)); return ec.ST_REPORT_THE_PROFILE_IS_NOT_MAP; } } return ec.ST_SUCCEED; } public ec dReplaceProfileIndexByRamdomIndex() { if (Active) { CRandomIndex oRandomIndex = new CRandomIndex(m_oProfileList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < m_oProfileList.Count; i++) { m_oProfileList.SetByIndex(i, CTextLineReport.MEMBER + (oRandomIndex.dRandomIndex + 1)); } return ec.ST_SUCCEED; } else { return ec.ST_TRACE_NOT_ACTIVE; } } public override string sText { get { if (m_oReportArray != null) { dReplace( CTextLineReport.MEMBER, "", m_oProfileList); dReplace(CTextLineReport.MEME, "", m_oMemeList); return base.sText; } return null; } } public void vAddLine( string sMessage) { /* if (m_oProfileList.ContainsKey(dProfileIndex )== false) { m_oProfileList.Add(dProfileIndex, NOT_IN_STRING); }*/ if (m_oReportArray != null) { CTextLineReport oTextLineReport = new CTextLineReport(); oTextLineReport.FirstColPos = this.DefaultLineIdentation; oTextLineReport.vSetText(sMessage + "\n"); m_oReportArray.Add(oTextLineReport); } } } ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // public class CCommandParser : CCommandFactoryBase { public CCommandParser(P dLanguage) : base() { m_dLanguage = dLanguage; } P m_dLanguage; static CCommandParser s_oCommandParser = null; static public CCommandParser Instance(P dLanguage, string csText) { if (s_oCommandParser == null) { s_oCommandParser = new CCommandParser(dLanguage); } s_oCommandParser.m_dLanguage = dLanguage; /*int dIndex = 0; ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; char cEndChar;*/ // csText = GetTextIntoApostrophe(csText, cEndChar, ref dIndex, ref dErrorCode); csText = GetContentFromBracket(csText); s_oCommandParser.vReset(GetContentFromBracket(csText)); return s_oCommandParser; } public bool bIsBeginningOfCommand(string csText, ref int dIndex) { int dPos = dIndex; while (dPos < csText.Length) { if (csText[dPos] == '\n' || csText[dPos] == ';') { dPos++; dIndex = dPos; return true; } if (CDbEPBase.bIsACharOfAWord(csText[dPos]) || CDbEPBase.bStartOfEnclosing(csText[dPos] )) { return false; } dPos++; } return false; } static public ec dMoveToWordBeginning(string csText, ref int dIndex) { while (dIndex < csText.Length && (CDbEPBase.bIsACharOfAWord(csText[dIndex]) == false && CDbEPBase.bStartOfEnclosing(csText[dIndex]) == false)) { if (csText[dIndex] == '\n' || csText[dIndex] == ';') { dIndex++; return ec.ST_PARSER_END_OF_LINE; } if (csText[dIndex] == '-') { return ec.ST_PARSER_BEGINNING_OF_OPTION; } dIndex++; } return dIndex < csText.Length ? ec.ST_SUCCEED : ec.ST_PARSER_EOM; } static string GetContentFromBracket(string csText) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "GetContentFromBracket = " + csText); int dIndex=0; dMoveToWordBeginning(csText, ref dIndex); csText = csText.Substring(dIndex); dIndex=0; if (csText != "") { char cChar = csText[0]; char cEndChar = cGetEndChar(csText[0]); if (cEndChar != '\0') { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; csText = GetTextIntoApostrophe(csText[0] + GetContentFromBracket(csText.Substring(1)), cEndChar, ref dIndex, ref dErrorCode); return csText; } } return csText; } static string GetTextIntoApostrophe(string csText, char cEndChar, ref int dIndex, ref ec dRC) { string csReturnText = null; if (cGetEndChar(csText.Substring(dIndex, 1).ToCharArray()[0]) == cEndChar) dIndex++; int i; for (i = dIndex; i < csText.Length; i++) { char cCurrentChar = csText.Substring(i, 1).ToCharArray()[0]; if (cCurrentChar == cEndChar) { csReturnText = csText.Substring(dIndex, i - dIndex); dIndex = i + 1; return csReturnText; } } dRC = ec.ST_PARSER_CAN_NOT_FIND_APOSTROPHE_END; return csReturnText; } public ec dGetOption(string csText, ref int dIndex, out string csReturnText) { csReturnText = ""; while (true) { ec dEC = dMoveToWordBeginning(csText, ref dIndex); if (dEC != ec.ST_SUCCEED && dEC != ec.ST_PARSER_BEGINNING_OF_OPTION) return dEC; char cCurrentChar = csText.Substring(dIndex, 1).ToCharArray()[0]; if (cCurrentChar != '-') break; csReturnText += csGetWord(csText, ref dIndex); if (bIsLastChar(csReturnText, ':', '=')) { csReturnText += '\'' + csGetText(csText, ref dIndex, ref dEC) + '\''; } } return ec.ST_SUCCEED; } static public string csGetWord(string csText, ref int dIndex) { string csReturnText = null; int i; for (i = dIndex; i < csText.Length; i++) { char cCurrentChar = csText.Substring(i, 1).ToCharArray()[0]; if (bIsACharOfAWord(cCurrentChar) || cCurrentChar == '-' || cCurrentChar == ':' || cCurrentChar == '=' || cCurrentChar == ',' || cCurrentChar == '$') { csReturnText += cCurrentChar; } else { break; } } dIndex = i; CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "csGetWord = " + csText.Substring(dIndex) + "->csReturnText=" + csReturnText); return csReturnText; } static public string csGetText(string csText, ref int dIndex, ref ec dErrorCode) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "csGetText = " + csText.Substring(dIndex)); string csReturnText = null; dErrorCode = dMoveToWordBeginning(csText, ref dIndex); if (dErrorCode != ec.ST_SUCCEED && dErrorCode != ec.ST_PARSER_END_OF_LINE) return ""; char cCurrentChar = csText.Substring(dIndex, 1).ToCharArray()[0]; char cEndChar = cGetEndChar(cCurrentChar); if (cEndChar != '\0') { csReturnText = GetTextIntoApostrophe(csText, cEndChar, ref dIndex, ref dErrorCode); } else { csReturnText = csGetWord(csText, ref dIndex); if (bIsLastChar(csReturnText, ':', '=')) { csReturnText += '(' + csGetText(csText, ref dIndex, ref dErrorCode) + ')' ; } } return csReturnText; } public ec dParseCommand(string csText, ref int dIndex, out P dCommand, out string csEntityName) { //oCommand=CCommandArrayFactory.Instance().m_oNullCommand; dCommand = P.NOT_USED; csEntityName = null; ec dEC = dMoveToWordBeginning(csText, ref dIndex); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "csText=" + csText.Substring(dIndex) + " dCommand=" + dCommand + " csEntityName=" + csEntityName + " ec=" + dEC); if (dEC != ec.ST_SUCCEED) { return dEC; } string csCommand = csGetWord(csText, ref dIndex); dCommand = CEntityManager.Instance(m_dLanguage).dFindCommand(csCommand); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "csText=" + csText.Substring(dIndex) + " dCommand=" + dCommand + " csEntityName="); if (IsNotUsed(dCommand)) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, csEntityName + " ec=" + ec.ST_PARSER_CANNOT_FIND_THE_NEXT_COMMAND); return ec.ST_PARSER_CANNOT_FIND_THE_NEXT_COMMAND; } dEC = dMoveToWordBeginning(csText, ref dIndex); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "csText=" + csText.Substring(dIndex)); if (dEC != ec.ST_SUCCEED) { return dEC; } if (csText != null && csText.Substring(dIndex,1) == "$" ) { csEntityName = "function"; } else { csEntityName = csGetWord(csText, ref dIndex); } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "csText=" + csText.Substring(dIndex) + " csEntityName=" + csEntityName); dEC = dMoveToWordBeginning(csText, ref dIndex); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, "csText=" + csText.Substring(dIndex)); if (dCommand == P.DISPLAY) { dEC = ec.ST_SUCCEED; } return dEC; } public void vReset(string csText) { m_csText = csText; m_dIndex = 0; } string m_csText; int m_dIndex; public ec dNext(out P dCommand, out string sEntityName, out string csEntityContent, out string csOptionString) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; csOptionString = ""; sEntityName = null; csEntityContent = null; dCommand = P.NOT_USED; //oCommand = CCommandArrayFactory.Instance().m_oNullCommand; if (m_csText == "") return ec.ST_PARSER_EOM; ec dEC = dMoveToWordBeginning(m_csText, ref m_dIndex); if (dEC != ec.ST_SUCCEED) return dEC; CTrace.i().vWrite(ENMessage.Parser, " dNext m_csText=" + m_csText); dErrorCode = dParseCommand(m_csText, ref m_dIndex, out dCommand, out sEntityName); if ((dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED || dErrorCode == ec.ST_PARSER_BEGINNING_OF_OPTION) && sEntityName != null) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Parser, " dCommand=" + dCommand + " sEntityName=" + sEntityName); // if (this.bIsBeginningOfCommand(m_csText, ref m_dIndex) == false) // { dErrorCode = dGetOption(m_csText, ref m_dIndex, out csOptionString); if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_PARSER_EOM || dErrorCode == ec.ST_PARSER_END_OF_LINE) return ec.ST_SUCCEED; csEntityContent = csGetText(m_csText, ref m_dIndex, ref dErrorCode); string csOptions; dGetOption(m_csText, ref m_dIndex, out csOptions); csOptionString += csOptions; // } } if ((dErrorCode == ec.ST_PARSER_EOM || dErrorCode == ec.ST_PARSER_END_OF_LINE) && CEntityManager.Instance(P.LANGUAGE).dGet(dCommand, IS_SYNOPSIS) == P.COMMAND_ENTITY_COMMAND_SYNOPSIS) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; } return dErrorCode; } } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CCommandLineFactory : CCommandFactoryBase { public CCommandLineFactory(string sDatabaseName) { m_oOrganisationView = new COrganisationView(m_dLanguage, sDatabaseName); m_oProfileView = new CProfileView(m_dLanguage, sDatabaseName); m_oCommandContext = null; } COrganisationView m_oOrganisationView; CProfileView m_oProfileView; public string sDatabaseName { get { return m_oProfileView.sDatabaseName; } } P m_dLanguage; public void vRegister() { m_oProfileView.vRegister(); } public CDbEntityManager EntityManager { get { return CDbEntityManager.Instance(m_oProfileView.sDatabaseName, m_dLanguage); } } CCommandContext m_oCommandContext; public void vSet(ref CCommandContext oCommandContext) { m_oCommandContext = oCommandContext; } public string ToString(P dEntity) { return CEntityManager.Instance(m_dLanguage).sGetEntityName(dEntity).ToLower(); } public ec dIsNotLegalNameToUse(string sName) { ec dError = ec.ST_SUCCEED; if (sName == null || sName == "") return ec.ST_ENTITY_NOT_SUPPORTED; sName = sName.ToLower(); if (bHasOnlyAuthorizeCharacter(sName) == false) { dError = ec.ST_NAME_CONTAINING_SPACE_OR_OTHER_ILLICITE_CHARACTER; } else { SIndex oProfileIndex = m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable.dGetIndex(sName); if (IsUsed(oProfileIndex)) { dError = ec.ST_NAME_USED_ALREADY_FOR_A_PROFILE; } else { SIndex oOrganisationIndex = m_oOrganisationView.dGetOrganisationIndex(sName); if (IsUsed(oOrganisationIndex)) { dError = ec.ST_NAME_USED_ALREADY_FOR_AN_ORGANISATION; } } } return dError; } public ec dLoadOption( string sAttributeContent, out CCommandLine oVariableCommandLine) { string sVariableEntityName; P dVariableCommand; string sVariableEntityContent, sVariableOptionString; CCommandParser.Instance(m_dLanguage, sAttributeContent).dNext(out dVariableCommand, out sVariableEntityName, out sVariableEntityContent, out sVariableOptionString); CCommandLineFactory oCommandLineFactory = new CCommandLineFactory(sDatabaseName); P dVariableEntityName = CDbEntityManager.Instance( sDatabaseName, CDbEPBase.P.ENGLISH).dGet(CDbEPBase.P.ENGLISH,sVariableEntityName); oCommandLineFactory.vSet(ref m_oCommandContext); return oCommandLineFactory.dLoadOption(dVariableCommand, dVariableEntityName, sVariableEntityContent, sVariableOptionString, out oVariableCommandLine); } public ec dLoadOption(P dCommand, P dExecutedEntity, string sEntityContent, string sOptionString, out CCommandLine oCommandLine) { ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; oCommandLine = new CCommandLine(dCommand, dExecutedEntity, ref m_oCommandContext); P dExecutedEntityType = CEntityManager.Instance(m_dLanguage).dGetType(dExecutedEntity); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandParsing, "dExecutedEntityType =" + dExecutedEntityType + " type=" + EntityManager.dGetType(dExecutedEntityType) ); if (bIsA(dCommand, P.CREATE)) { if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.ATTRIBUTE)) { P dExistingType; string sAttributeName, sAttributeContent; dErrorCode = dFindAttribute(dExecutedEntity, sEntityContent, out sAttributeName, out sAttributeContent, out dExistingType); if (IsUsed(dExistingType) && IsUsed(oCommandLine.AttributeType) && dExistingType != oCommandLine.AttributeType) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_MISMATCH; } else { oCommandLine.ContentName = sAttributeName; oCommandLine.ContentText = sAttributeContent; oCommandLine.AttributeType = dExistingType; } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.AGENT)) { if (dExecutedEntity == P.AVATAR) { oCommandLine.ContentName = sEntityContent; } else { oCommandLine.ContentIndex = m_oProfileView.dGetProfileIndex(sEntityContent); } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.ORGANISATION)) { SIndex iOrganisation = m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.dGetIndex(sEntityContent); if (sEntityContent != null && IsUsed(iOrganisation)) { oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex = m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation = iOrganisation; } oCommandLine.ContentName = sEntityContent; } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.FUNCTION )) { P dExistingType; string sAttributeName, sAttributeContent; dErrorCode = dFindAttribute(dExecutedEntity, sEntityContent, out sAttributeName, out sAttributeContent, out dExistingType); if (IsUsed(dExistingType) && IsUsed(oCommandLine.AttributeType) && dExistingType != oCommandLine.AttributeType) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_MISMATCH; } else { // oCommandLine.ContentName = sAttributeName; CCommandLine oVariableCommandLine; if (dLoadOption( sAttributeContent, out oVariableCommandLine)== ec.ST_SUCCEED) { oCommandLine.vAddFunctionAndCommandLine(sAttributeName, oVariableCommandLine); //dExecuteFunction(oVariableCommandLine, out sMessage) //oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine = oVariableCommandLine; /* oCommandLine.AttributeType = P.IDENTIFIER_TYPE; CIdentifier oAttributeIdentifier; dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.dCreateAttributeIdentifier(oVariableCommandLine.AttributeClass, oVariableCommandLine, out oAttributeIdentifier); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, "oAttributeIdentifier = " + oAttributeIdentifier.csDump()); */ //oCommandLine.ContentIdentifier = oAttributeIdentifier; } else { CIdentifier oIdentifierObjects; ec dRC= EntityManager.dConvert(sAttributeContent, out oIdentifierObjects); if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { oCommandLine.ContentIdentifier = oIdentifierObjects; oCommandLine.AttributeType = P.IDENTIFIER_TYPE; } else { oCommandLine.ContentText = sAttributeContent; oCommandLine.AttributeType = P.STRING_TYPE; } } } } else { oCommandLine.ContentName = sEntityContent; } } else if (bIsA(dCommand, P.LIST)) { if (sEntityContent != null) { sEntityContent = sEntityContent.ToLower(); dErrorCode = dIsNotLegalNameToUse(sEntityContent); if (dErrorCode != ec.ST_NAME_USED_ALREADY_FOR_AN_ORGANISATION) { if (dExecutedEntity == P.ORGANISATION) { return ec.ST_ORGANISATION_CREATION_ORGANISATION_NAME_UNKNOWN; } else { return ec.ST_NAME_UNKNOWN; } } else { dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; } } P dExecutedEntitySetType = CEntityManager.Instance( m_dLanguage).dGetSetType(dExecutedEntity); if (bIsA(dExecutedEntitySetType, P.IDENTIFIER_TYPE)) { CEntityArray oIdentifierObjects; dErrorCode = EntityManager.dConvert(sEntityContent, out oIdentifierObjects); if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { oCommandLine.vAdd(P.IDENTIFIER, oIdentifierObjects); } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntitySetType, P.SINDEX_TYPE)) { oCommandLine.ContentIndex = ToSIndex(sEntityContent); } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntitySetType, P.AVATAR_SINDEX_TYPE)) { SIndex oAvatarIndex = m_oProfileView.dGetProfileIndex(sEntityContent); if (sEntityContent != null && IsNotUsed(oAvatarIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_AVATAR_LIST_NAME_IS_UNKNOWN; } else { m_oCommandContext.SenderIndex = oCommandLine.SenderIndex = oAvatarIndex; } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntitySetType, P.COMMITTEE_SINDEX_TYPE) ) { m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation = m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.dGetIndex(sEntityContent); if (sEntityContent != null && IsNotUsed(m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ORGANISATION_LIST_ORGANISATION_NAME_UNKNOWN; } else { oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex= m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation; } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntitySetType, P.ORGANISATION_INDEX_TYPE)) { m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation = m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.dGetIndex(sEntityContent); if (sEntityContent != null && IsNotUsed(m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ORGANISATION_LIST_ORGANISATION_NAME_UNKNOWN; } else { oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex = m_oCommandContext.m_iOrganisation; } } else if (dExecutedEntity >= P.FIRST_KEYWORD_INDEX) { oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity = GetKeywordView.dGetClass(dExecutedEntity); oCommandLine.ContentName = GetKeywordView.sGetName(dExecutedEntity, m_dLanguage); } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.ATTRIBUTE)) { oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity = dExecutedEntity; oCommandLine.ContentName = sEntityContent; } else { oCommandLine.ContentName = sEntityContent; } } else { if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.IDENTIFIER)) { CIdentifier oIdentifierObject; dErrorCode = EntityManager.dConvert(sEntityContent, out oIdentifierObject); if (dErrorCode == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { oCommandLine.vAdd(P.IDENTIFIER, oIdentifierObject); } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.AGENT)) { oCommandLine.ContentIndex = m_oProfileView.dGetProfileIndex(sEntityContent); if (IsNotUsed(oCommandLine.ContentIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ORGANISATION_ADD_MEMBER_NAME_IS_NOT_KNOWN; } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.ORGANISATION)) { oCommandLine.ContentIndex = m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.dGetIndex(sEntityContent); if (IsNotUsed(oCommandLine.ContentIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ORGANISATION_CREATION_ORGANISATION_NAME_UNKNOWN; } } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.MEME)) { oCommandLine.ContentIndex = ToSIndex(sEntityContent); if (IsNotUsed(oCommandLine.ContentIndex)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_OPINION_UNDEFINED_MEME; } } else if (dExecutedEntity >= P.FIRST_KEYWORD_INDEX) { oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity = GetKeywordView.dGetClass(dExecutedEntity); oCommandLine.ContentName = GetKeywordView.sGetName(dExecutedEntity, m_dLanguage); oCommandLine.ContentText = sEntityContent; } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.ATTRIBUTE) ) { oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity = dExecutedEntity; oCommandLine.ContentName = sEntityContent; } else if (bIsA(dExecutedEntity, P.FUNCTION )) { oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity = dExecutedEntity; oCommandLine.ContentName = sEntityContent; } } oCommandLine.vAdd(dExecutedEntity, dErrorCode); dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; P[] dOptionArray = CEntityManager.Instance(m_dLanguage).OptionEntityArray; for (int i = 0; i < dOptionArray.Length; i++) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandParsing, "dOptionArray[i]=" + dOptionArray[i] + " dExecutedEntity = " + dExecutedEntity + " Type=" + EntityManager.dGetType(dExecutedEntity)); P dOptionParameter = CEntityManager.Instance(m_dLanguage).dGet(dOptionArray[i], IS_OPTION_RELATION); if (dOptionArray[i] != dExecutedEntity) { if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.EXECUTED_ENTITY_TYPE)) { dOptionParameter = dExecutedEntityType; } if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.STRING_TYPE)) { oCommandLine.vAdd(dOptionArray[i], sGetOptionParameter(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString)); } else if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.P_TYPE)) { oCommandLine.vAdd(dOptionArray[i], dGetOptionParameter(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString)); } else if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.AVATAR_SINDEX_TYPE)) { if (dOptionArray[i] == P.AVATAR) { string sName; oCommandLine.vAdd(P.SENDER, iGetAgentOption(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString, m_oCommandContext, out sName)); oCommandLine.vAdd(CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).dGet(dOptionArray[i], HAS_NAME_RELATION), sName); } else { string sName; oCommandLine.vAdd(dOptionArray[i], iGetAgentOption(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString, m_oCommandContext, out sName)); oCommandLine.vAdd(CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).dGet(dOptionArray[i], HAS_NAME_RELATION), sName); } } else if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.COMMITTEE_SINDEX_TYPE) || bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.ORGANISATION_INDEX_TYPE)) { string sName; SIndex oCommitteIndex = iGetOrganisationOption(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString, out sName); oCommandLine.OrganisationIndex = oCommitteIndex; if (oCommitteIndex.dSubIndex == ORGANISATION_ROOT_SUB_INDEX) { oCommandLine.vAdd(CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).dGet(P.ORGANISATION, HAS_NAME_RELATION), sName); } else { oCommandLine.vAdd(CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).dGet(P.COMMITTEE, HAS_NAME_RELATION), sName); } } else if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.ENTITY_ARRAY_TYPE)) { oCommandLine.vAppend(dOptionArray[i], this.eaGetOptionParameter(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString)); } else if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.SINDEX_TYPE)) { oCommandLine.vAdd(dOptionArray[i], ToSIndex(this.sGetOptionParameter(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString))); } else if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.IDENTIFIER_TYPE)) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, "oContext = " + m_oCommandContext.csDump() ); CIdentifier oIdentifier= this.idGetOptionParameter(dOptionArray[i], sOptionString); if (dOptionArray[i] == P.THEME || dOptionArray[i] == P.CATEGORY) { oCommandLine.vAdd(P.IDENTIFIER, oIdentifier ); } else if ((dOptionArray[i] == P.TO || dOptionArray[i] == P.AGAINST) && oIdentifier != null) { // CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Function, oIdentifier.csDump()); oCommandLine.vAdd(P.IDENTIFIER_RESULT, oIdentifier ); } else { oCommandLine.vAdd(dOptionArray[i],oIdentifier); } } else if (bIsA(dOptionParameter, P.COMMAND_LINE_TYPE)) { oCommandLine.vAdd(dOptionArray[i], oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine); } else if (dOptionParameter != P.NONE) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_OPTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_IS_UNKNOWN; } oCommandLine.vAdd(dOptionParameter, dErrorCode); dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; } } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandParsing, oCommandLine.csDump()); return dErrorCode; } public bool bIsA(P dEntity, P dEntityParent) { return CEntityManager.Instance( m_dLanguage).bIsA(dEntity, dEntityParent); } public bool bIsType(P dEntity, P dType) { return CEntityManager.Instance(m_dLanguage).bIsA(CEntityManager.Instance(m_dLanguage).dGetType(dEntity), dType); } public CDbEntityManager.CDbEntityNameView GetKeywordView { get { return CDbEntityManager.Instance(this.sDatabaseName, m_dLanguage).GetKeywordView; } } public ec dFindAttribute(P dExecutedEntity, string sEntityContent, out string sAttributeName, out string sAttributeContent, out P dExistingType) { sAttributeName = ""; sAttributeContent = ""; ec dErrorCode = ec.ST_SUCCEED; P dExecutedEntityClass = GetKeywordView.dGetClass(dExecutedEntity); dExistingType = P.NOT_USED; P dKindOfEntity; if (dExecutedEntityClass == P.ENTITY_ROOT) { dKindOfEntity = dExecutedEntity; dErrorCode = dGetEquation(sEntityContent, out sAttributeName, out sAttributeContent); dExistingType = P.NOT_USED; } else { dKindOfEntity = GetKeywordView.dGetClass(dExecutedEntity); if (IsNotUsed(dKindOfEntity)) { dErrorCode = ec.ST_ATTRIBUTE_THE_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_IS_UNKNOWN; } else { sAttributeName = EntityManager.sGetName(dExecutedEntity); sAttributeContent = sEntityContent; dExistingType = EntityManager.dGetType(dExecutedEntity); } } sAttributeName = sAttributeName.ToLower(); sAttributeContent = sAttributeContent.ToLower(); return dErrorCode; } public string sGetOptionParameter(P dOption1, P dOption2, string csOptionString) { string sOption = sGetOptionParameter(dOption1, csOptionString); if (sOption == null) { sOption = sGetOptionParameter(dOption2, csOptionString); } return sOption; } public string sGetOptionParameter(P dOption, string csOptionString) { string sOptionValue =CCommandFactoryBase.csGetParameter(ToString(dOption), csOptionString); if (sOptionValue== null ) { sOptionValue = CCommandFactoryBase.csGetParameter(CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).sGetEntityAbreviation(dOption), csOptionString); string sOptionValueIfVariable = m_oCommandContext.sGetVariable(sOptionValue); if (sOptionValueIfVariable != null) { sOptionValue = sOptionValueIfVariable; } } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandParsing, "sGetOptionParameter dOption=" + dOption + " sOptionValue =" + sOptionValue); return sOptionValue; } public CCommandLine clGetOptionParameter(P dOption, string csOptionString) { string sOptionValue = sGetOptionParameter( dOption, csOptionString); CCommandLine oCommandLine =m_oCommandContext.clGetVariable(sOptionValue); if ( oCommandLine== null) { CCommandLine oVariableCommandLine; CCommandLineFactory oCommandLineFactory = new CCommandLineFactory(sDatabaseName); oCommandLineFactory.vSet(ref m_oCommandContext); if(oCommandLineFactory.dLoadOption(sOptionValue, out oVariableCommandLine) == ec.ST_SUCCEED) { return oVariableCommandLine; } } return null; } public CEntityArray eaGetOptionParameter(P dOption, string csOptionString) { string sCategoryOption = sGetOptionParameter(dOption, csOptionString); if (sCategoryOption== null) { return null; } else { CEntityArray oCategoryOption; EntityManager.dConvert(sCategoryOption, out oCategoryOption); return oCategoryOption; } } public CIdentifier idGetOptionParameter(P dOption, string csOptionString) { string sCategoryOption = sGetOptionParameter(dOption, csOptionString); CIdentifier oCategoryIdentifier = m_oCommandContext.idGetVariable(sCategoryOption); if ( oCategoryIdentifier == null) { EntityManager.dConvert(sCategoryOption, out oCategoryIdentifier); } return oCategoryIdentifier; } public SEntity eGetOptionParameter(P dOption, string csOptionString) { P dParameter = dGetOptionParameter(dOption, csOptionString); if (IsUsed(dOption)) { return new SEntity(dOption, (int)dParameter); } return CEntityManager.NOT_USED_SENTITY; } public P dGetOptionParameter(P dOption, string csOptionString) { if (dOption == P.LANGUAGE) { return dGetLanguageOption(csOptionString); } else { string csEntityIndex = sGetOptionParameter(dOption, csOptionString); P dEntityIndex = CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).dFindEntity(csEntityIndex); return dEntityIndex; } } public SIndex iGetAgentOption(P dOption, string sOptionString, CCommandContext oContext, out string sAgentName) { SIndex oAgentIndex = CDbEPBase.NOT_USED_SINDEX; sAgentName = sGetOptionParameter(dOption, sOptionString); if ( sAgentName == ToString(P.MYSELF)) { oAgentIndex = oContext.SenderIndex; } else if (sAgentName == ToString(P.PRIVATE)) { oAgentIndex = oContext.SenderIndex; oAgentIndex.dSubIndex = PRIVATE_PROFILE_SUB_INDEX; } else if (sAgentName == ToString(P.PUBLIC)) { oAgentIndex = oContext.SenderIndex; oAgentIndex.dSubIndex = PUBLIC_PROFILE_SUB_INDEX; } else if (sAgentName != null) { oAgentIndex = m_oProfileView.dGetProfileIndex(sAgentName); } /* else { oAgentIndex = oContext.SenderIndex; }*/ CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandParsing, "iGetAgentOption( " + dOption + ")= " + sAgentName + "(" + oAgentIndex + ")"); return oAgentIndex; } protected SIndex iGetOrganisationOption(P dOption, string sOptionString, out string sOrganisationName) { sOrganisationName = sGetOptionParameter(dOption, sOptionString); SIndex oOrganisationIndex = NOT_USED_SINDEX; if (sOrganisationName != null) { oOrganisationIndex = m_oOrganisationView.dGetOrganisationIndex(sOrganisationName); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.CommandParsing, " iGetOrganisationOption( " + dOption + ")= " + sOrganisationName + "(" + oOrganisationIndex + ")"); } return oOrganisationIndex; } protected P dGetLanguageOption(string sOptionString) { string csLanguageOption = sGetOptionParameter(P.LANGUAGE, sOptionString); m_dLanguage = CEntityManager.Instance(P.ENGLISH).dFindEntity(csLanguageOption); if (m_dLanguage == P.LANGUAGE) m_dLanguage = P.ENGLISH; return m_dLanguage; } string m_sSynopsisUsed; public string sGetSynopsis(CCommandLine oCommandLine) { m_sSynopsisUsed = ""; m_sSynopsisUsed = oCommandLine.Command.ToString().ToLower() + ' '; P dSynopsisEntity; if (oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity== P.MEME) { dSynopsisEntity = P.IDENTIFIER; } else { dSynopsisEntity = oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity; } m_sSynopsisUsed += dSynopsisEntity.ToString().ToLower(); if (oCommandLine.ContentType == typeof(CEntityArray)) { string sAddressConvert; ec dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.GetIdentifierView.dConvert(oCommandLine.idFind(P.IDENTIFIER), true, out sAddressConvert); m_sSynopsisUsed += ' ' + sAddressConvert; } else if (oCommandLine.ContentType == typeof(string)) { m_sSynopsisUsed += ' ' + oCommandLine.ContentName; if (oCommandLine.ContentText != null) { m_sSynopsisUsed += "=" + oCommandLine.ContentText; } } else if (oCommandLine.ContentType == typeof(CCommandLine)) { m_sSynopsisUsed += ' ' + oCommandLine.ContentName; if (oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine != null) { m_sSynopsisUsed += "=(" + sGetSynopsis(oCommandLine.ContentCommandLine) + ')'; } } else if (oCommandLine.ContentType == typeof(SIndex)) { string sContentName = null; if (bIsA(oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity, P.AGENT)) { SIndex oAvatarIndex = oCommandLine.ContentIndex; sContentName = m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable.sGetName(oAvatarIndex); } else if (bIsA(oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity, P.ORGANISATION)) { sContentName = m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.sGetName(oCommandLine.ContentIndex); } else if (bIsA(oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity, P.MEME)) { SIndex oIndex = oCommandLine.ContentIndex; CIdentifier oIdentifier; m_oProfileView.GetIdentifierView.dGetSelect(oIndex, out oIdentifier); Debug.WriteLine("oIdentifier= " + oIdentifier.csDump()); m_oProfileView.GetIdentifierView.dConvert( oIdentifier, true, out sContentName); Debug.WriteLine("sContentName = " + sContentName ); } if (sContentName == null) sContentName = oCommandLine.ContentName; m_sSynopsisUsed += ' ' + sContentName; } if (oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.AVATAR) { vAddAgentToSynopsis(P.PARENT, oCommandLine.iFind(P.PARENT)); } else if (oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity == P.ORGANISATION) { vAddOrganisationToSynopsis(P.PARENT, oCommandLine.iFind(P.PARENT)); } vAddAgentToSynopsis(P.AVATAR, oCommandLine.SenderIndex); vAddAgentToSynopsis(P.MEMBER, oCommandLine.MemberIndex); vAddAgentToSynopsis(P.AUTHOR, oCommandLine.AuthorIndex); vAddToSynopsis(P.LANGUAGE, oCommandLine.Language); /* vAddToSynopsis(P.TYPE, oCommandLine.AttributeType); vAddToSynopsis(oCommandLine.pFind(P.TRACE)); vAddToSynopsis(oCommandLine.pFind(P.ENCRYPTED)); * */ SortedList oOptionList = oCommandLine.GetSortedList(); foreach (DictionaryEntry oOption in oOptionList) { /* if (oOption.Value.GetType() == typeof(Boolean) && ((bool)oOption.Value)) { vAddToSynopsis( (P)oOption.Key); } else * */ if (oOption.Value.GetType() == typeof(P)) { if ((P)oOption.Key != P.LANGUAGE) { vAddToSynopsis((P)oOption.Key, (P)oOption.Value); } } else if (oOption.Value.GetType() == typeof(string)) { vAddToSynopsis((P)oOption.Key, (string)oOption.Value); } else if (oOption.Value.GetType() == typeof(CEntityArray)) { vAddToSynopsis((P)oOption.Key, (CEntityArray)oOption.Value); } else if (oOption.Value.GetType() == typeof(CIdentifier)) { vAddToSynopsis((P)oOption.Key, (CIdentifier)oOption.Value); } else if (oOption.Value.GetType() == typeof(SIndex)) { if (bIsA(oCommandLine.ExecutedEntity, P.MEME) && (P)oOption.Key == P.AGAINST) { SIndex oIndex = (SIndex)oOption.Value; CIdentifier oIdentifier;string sOptionValue; m_oProfileView.GetIdentifierView.dGetSelect(oIndex, out oIdentifier); m_oProfileView.GetIdentifierView.dConvert( oIdentifier, true, out sOptionValue); Debug.WriteLine("oIdentifier= " + oIdentifier.csDump()); vAddToSynopsis((P)oOption.Key, sOptionValue); } else { Debug.WriteLine("(P)oOption.Key= " + (P)oOption.Key + "sOptionValue = " + oOption.Value); } } else if (oOption.Value.GetType() == typeof(Int32)) { int dValue= (int)oOption.Value; if ( IsUsed(dValue)) { vAddToSynopsis((P)oOption.Key, dValue.ToString() ); } } else { Debug.Assert(false, oOption.Value.GetType().ToString() + " is unknown oOption.Value=" + oOption.Value); } } return m_sSynopsisUsed; } protected void vAddToSynopsis(P dOption, string sParameter) { string sOptionName = ToString(dOption); if (IsUsed(dOption) && sParameter != null && sParameter != "" && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(sOptionName) <= 0) { m_sSynopsisUsed += " -" + sOptionName + ":" + sParameter; } } protected void vAddToSynopsis(P dOption) { vAddToSynopsis(dOption, P.NONE); } protected void vAddToSynopsis(P dOption, CEntityArray oEntityArray) { string sOptionName = ToString(dOption); string sAddressConvert; ec dErrorCode = EntityManager.dConvert(oEntityArray, out sAddressConvert); if (IsUsed(dOption) && sAddressConvert != null && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(sOptionName) <= 0 && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(sAddressConvert) <=0) { m_sSynopsisUsed += " -" + sOptionName + ":" + sAddressConvert; } } protected void vAddToSynopsis(P dOption, CIdentifier idIdentifier) { string sOptionName = ToString(dOption); string sAddressConvert; ec dErrorCode = m_oProfileView.GetIdentifierView.dConvert(idIdentifier, true, out sAddressConvert); if (IsUsed(dOption) && sAddressConvert != null && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(sOptionName) <= 0 && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(sAddressConvert) <= 0) { m_sSynopsisUsed += " -" + sOptionName + ":" + sAddressConvert; } } protected void vAddToSynopsis(P dOption, P dEntityId) { string sOptionName = ToString(dOption); if (IsUsed(dOption) && IsUsed(dEntityId) && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(sOptionName) <= 0) { m_sSynopsisUsed += " -" + sOptionName; if (dEntityId != P.NONE) { m_sSynopsisUsed +=":" + ToString(dEntityId); } } } protected void vAddAgentToSynopsis(P dOption, SIndex oAvatarID) { if (IsUsed(oAvatarID) && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(ToString(dOption)) <= 0) { m_sSynopsisUsed += " -" + ToString(dOption) + ":" + m_oProfileView.GetMasterTable.sGetName(oAvatarID); } } protected void vAddOrganisationToSynopsis(P dOption, SIndex oOrganisation) { if (IsUsed(oOrganisation) && m_sSynopsisUsed.IndexOf(ToString(dOption)) <= 0) { m_sSynopsisUsed += " -" + ToString(dOption) + ":" + m_oOrganisationView.GetOrganisationTable.sGetName(oOrganisation); } } } }

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