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using System; using System.Data; //using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.IO; using System.Text; using EXCommon; //###* namespace EXDb97 { ///

/// Description résumée de DbConnectionManagement. /// public class CDbConnectionManagement : CDbEPBase { CDbConnectionManagement() { ClearAll(); } public void ClearAll() { m_oDatabaseConnectionArray = new ArrayList(5); m_nCurrentConnection = -1; m_nConnectionRetry = 0; s_oDbQuoteMsgConnectionManagement = s_oDbRequestQuoteConnectionManagement =s_oDbDataThreadConnectionManagement = s_oDbConnectionManagement = null; } public void ResetRetryCounter() { m_nConnectionRetry = 0; } static CDbConnectionManagement s_oDbConnectionManagement, s_oDbDataThreadConnectionManagement, s_oDbQuoteMsgConnectionManagement, s_oDbRequestQuoteConnectionManagement; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] static public int GetMaxNumberOfConnection() { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "Thread.CurrentThread.Name = " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name); if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null) { return 50; } else if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == "DataThread" ) { return 100; } else if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == "QuoteMsgThread" ) { return 10; } else if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == "RequestQuoteThread" ) { return 10; } return NOT_USED; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] static public CDbConnectionManagement Instance() { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "Thread.CurrentThread.Name = " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name); if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null) { if ( s_oDbConnectionManagement == null) { s_oDbConnectionManagement = new CDbConnectionManagement(); } return s_oDbConnectionManagement; } else if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == "DataThread" ) { if ( s_oDbDataThreadConnectionManagement == null) { s_oDbDataThreadConnectionManagement = new CDbConnectionManagement(); } return s_oDbDataThreadConnectionManagement; } else if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == "QuoteMsgThread" ) { if ( s_oDbQuoteMsgConnectionManagement == null) { s_oDbQuoteMsgConnectionManagement = new CDbConnectionManagement(); } return s_oDbQuoteMsgConnectionManagement; } else if ( Thread.CurrentThread.Name == "RequestQuoteThread" ) { if ( s_oDbRequestQuoteConnectionManagement == null) { s_oDbRequestQuoteConnectionManagement = new CDbConnectionManagement(); } return s_oDbRequestQuoteConnectionManagement; } return null; } int m_nCurrentConnection; bool IsCurrentConnectionClosed() { return m_nCurrentConnection < 0 || IsConnectionClosed(m_nCurrentConnection); } bool IsCurrentConnectionOpened() { return m_nCurrentConnection >=0 && IsConnectionOpened(m_nCurrentConnection); } bool IsConnectionClosed(int i) { return IsConnectionOpened( i)== false; } bool IsConnectionOpened(int i) { return GetDatabaseConnection(i).IsBusy; } CDbConnection OpenCurrentConnection() { if ( IsCurrentConnectionOpened() ) { return null; } GetCurrentConnection().Open(); return GetCurrentConnection(); } void CloseCurrentConnection() { if ( IsCurrentConnectionOpened() ) { GetCurrentConnection().Close(); } } ArrayList m_oDatabaseConnectionArray; public CDbConnection GetDatabaseConnection(int i) { return (CDbConnection)ArrayList.Synchronized(m_oDatabaseConnectionArray)[i]; } public CDbConnection GetCurrentConnection() { if ( m_nCurrentConnection < 0 && m_nCurrentConnection >= m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count) return null; return GetDatabaseConnection(m_nCurrentConnection); } public string Dump() { StringBuilder oOutput = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count-1; i >=0; i-- ) { oOutput.Append( Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " " + i + " | src = " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).ConnectionString.Substring(46) + " Busy " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).IsBusy + /* " State = " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).IsOpenned + */" date = " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).LastUsedDate ); } return oOutput.ToString(); } public CDbConnection GetConnection( string strDatabaseName, string strDatabasePath) { bool bIsSpaceForNewConnection = m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count < GetMaxNumberOfConnection(); for(int i=m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count-1; i >=0; i-- ) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " " + i + " | src = " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).ConnectionString.Substring(46) + " Busy " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).IsBusy + /* " State = " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).IsOpenned + */ " date = " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).LastUsedDate + " Database = " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).Database + " " + GetDatabaseConnection(i).Dump()); if ( GetDatabaseConnection(i).IsDatabase(strDatabaseName) ) { if ( IsConnectionClosed(i) ) { m_nCurrentConnection = i; return GetDatabaseConnection(i); } } } int nOldestConnectionIndex = 0; if ( bIsSpaceForNewConnection == false ) { for(int i= m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count-1; i >=0; i-- ) { if ( IsConnectionClosed(i) ) { m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.RemoveAt(i); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "Remove connection " + i); return CreateNewConnection(strDatabaseName, strDatabasePath); } else if ( ((CDbConnection)m_oDatabaseConnectionArray[i]).LastUsedDate < ((CDbConnection)m_oDatabaseConnectionArray[nOldestConnectionIndex]).LastUsedDate ) { nOldestConnectionIndex = i; } } } if ( bIsSpaceForNewConnection == false ) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "Remove the latest used connection " + nOldestConnectionIndex); CDbConnection oDbConnection = ((CDbConnection)m_oDatabaseConnectionArray[nOldestConnectionIndex]); EPAssert( oDbConnection.IsBusy == false, Dump() ); oDbConnection.Close(); m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.RemoveAt(nOldestConnectionIndex); } return CreateNewConnection(strDatabaseName, strDatabasePath); } public CDbConnection CreateNewConnection( string strDatabaseName, string strDatabasePath) { EPAssert( m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count < GetMaxNumberOfConnection(), "More than " + GetMaxNumberOfConnection() + " connection open"); CDbConnection oConnection = CreateConnection( strDatabaseName, strDatabasePath); m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Add(oConnection); m_nCurrentConnection = m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count - 1; CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "\n\n###new m_nCurrentConnection= " + m_nCurrentConnection + " " + m_oDatabaseConnectionArray.Count + GetMaxNumberOfConnection()); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, " oWorkingDatabaseConnection.Database = " + oConnection.Database); EPAssert( Contains( oConnection.Database.ToString(),"180012") == false, "Should not connect to 180012"); return oConnection; } /* public string GetDatabasePath( string strDatabaseName, CEntityAttribute oEntityAttribute, ENStockExchange enStockExchange) { string strDatabaseDirectoryPath = null; if ( strDatabaseName == CONFIGURATION_DB_NAME ) { strDatabaseDirectoryPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EX_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION_PATH"); } if ( strDatabaseDirectoryPath == null) { strDatabaseDirectoryPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EX_DATABASE_PATH"); } if ( strDatabaseDirectoryPath == null) { strDatabaseDirectoryPath = DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH + "\\DB"; } if ( strDatabaseName != CONFIGURATION_DB_NAME && enStockExchange != ENStockExchange.None ) { strDatabaseDirectoryPath += "\\" + ToStockExchangeName( enStockExchange); } string strDatabasePath = strDatabaseDirectoryPath + "\\" + strDatabaseName + ".mdb"; CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "Create connection to " + strDatabasePath); return strDatabasePath; } */ CDbConnection CreateConnectionFromAccess2003(string strDatabaseName, string strDatabasePath) { //string strDatabasePath = GetDatabasePath(strDatabaseName, oEntityAttribute, enStockExchange); FileInfo oDatabaseFileInfo = new FileInfo(strDatabasePath); if ( ! oDatabaseFileInfo.Exists ) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "oDatabaseFileInfo.Directory = " + oDatabaseFileInfo.Directory); Directory.CreateDirectory( oDatabaseFileInfo.DirectoryName ); string strDbTemplate = DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH + "\\DB\\TYPE\\ACCESS2003.mdb"; File.Copy( strDbTemplate, oDatabaseFileInfo.FullName, false); if ( ! File.Exists( oDatabaseFileInfo.FullName ) ) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.Thread, "template" + strDbTemplate); MessageBox.Show( "Can not create the database " + oDatabaseFileInfo.FullName); } } m_nConnectionRetry =0; return CreateConnection(ACCESS_DATASOURCE_ROOT + strDatabasePath, strDatabaseName); } public const string ACCESS_DATASOURCE_ROOT = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="; protected int m_nConnectionRetry; /* [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public CDbConnection CreateConnection(string strConnectionString, string strDabaseName) { CDbConnection oConnection = null; try { oConnection = new CDbConnection(strConnectionString, strDabaseName); return oConnection; } catch (SqlException oException) { if (ManageException(SQLErrorMessage( oException)) == false) return null; } ResetRetryCounter(); return oConnection; } */ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public CDbConnection CreateConnectionFromSQLServer(string strConnectionString, string strDabaseName) { CDbConnection oConnection = null; oConnection = new CDbConnection(strConnectionString, strDabaseName); return oConnection; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public bool IsTableExist(string strTableName, CDbConnection oDBConnection) { string strSql = " IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='" + RemoveBracket(strTableName) + "') "; strSql += " SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 0"; //string strSql = "select OBJECT_ID ('" + strTableName + "' )"; // string strSql = "select 1 from " + strTableName + " "; if (oDBConnection.Open() == false) { oDBConnection.Close(); return false; } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.DbTrace, "strSql = " + strSql ); bool bResult = false; try { oDBConnection.UnsafeSelectCommand(strSql); } catch (SqlException oException) { vWriteSQLErrorMessage(oException, ""); if ( oException.Errors.Count >= 1 && (oException.Errors[0].Number == 3078 || oException.Errors[0].Number == 208) ) { bResult = false; } else { bResult = oDBConnection.Reader.HasRows; } } finally { if (oDBConnection.Reader != null) { if (oDBConnection.Reader.Read() ) { int dID= oDBConnection.Reader.GetInt32(0); bResult = (dID== 1); } } oDBConnection.Close(); } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.DbTrace, "IsTableExist = " + bResult); return bResult; } protected bool ManageException(string strErrorMessage) { TimeSpan oWaitFiveSeconds= new TimeSpan(0,0,5); Thread.Sleep( oWaitFiveSeconds); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.sqlTrace, "ManageException try to reconnect once " + m_nConnectionRetry + strErrorMessage + "\n"); if ( m_nConnectionRetry == LIMIT_MAX_RETRY_CONNECTION) { MessageBox.Show("Retry to connect more than " + LIMIT_MAX_RETRY_CONNECTION + " " + strErrorMessage ); return false; } m_nConnectionRetry++; return true; } public object GetValue( string strValueColumn, string strTable, CDbConnection oConnection, string strWhere) { oConnection.Open(); string strTableNameSelect = "SELECT " + strValueColumn + " FROM " + strTable; if ( strWhere != null && strWhere.Length > 0 ) { strTableNameSelect += " where " + strWhere; } CDbConnectionManagement.Instance().ResetRetryCounter(); CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.DbTrace, "strTableNameSelect = " + strTableNameSelect); if (oConnection.SelectCommand( strTableNameSelect) == false) { return null; } object oValue = null; if ( oConnection.Read() == false ) { CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.sqlError, "\n###There are nothing to read for the table symbol for the condition " + strWhere + "###\n"); } else { oValue = oConnection.Reader.GetValue ( 0 ); } CTrace.i().vWriteLn(ENMessage.DbTrace, "Value = " + oValue + "\n"); oConnection.Close(); return oValue; } CDbConnection CreateConnection(string strDatabaseName, string strDatabasePath) { // string strDatabasePath = GetDatabasePath(strDatabaseName, oEntityAttribute, enStockExchange); if (DATABASE_TYPE == ENDatabaseType.DbAccess2003) { return CreateConnectionFromAccess2003(strDatabaseName, strDatabasePath); } else if (DATABASE_TYPE == ENDatabaseType.SQLServer) { EPAssert(strDatabaseName != null, "The database should not be null"); // string strConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Server=ALBATOR" + "\\" + "SQLEXPRESS;Database=" + strDatabaseName + ";"; CDbConnection oConnection = CreateConnectionFromSQLServer(SQLSERVER_MASTER_CONECTION_STRING, strDatabaseName); if (oConnection == null || oConnection.Database != strDatabaseName) { CreateDatabase(strDatabaseName); } // strConnectionString = "data source=" + ".\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog =" + strDatabaseName + ";Integrated Security=SSPI"; // oConnection = CreateConnectionFromSQLServer(strConnectionString); if (oConnection.Database == strDatabaseName) { return oConnection; } return null; } else { MessageBox.Show("Not support database type" + DATABASE_TYPE); return null; } } public const string SQLSERVER_MASTER_CONECTION_STRING = "data source=" + ".\\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI"; static public bool ExecuteNoQueryOnMaster(string strSql) { bool bValid=true; SqlCommand oDbCommand = new SqlCommand(); oDbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oDbCommand.CommandTimeout = 5; //the sql that was created above oDbCommand.CommandText = strSql; //set to the current CDbConnection instance oDbCommand.Connection = new SqlConnection( SQLSERVER_MASTER_CONECTION_STRING); try { oDbCommand.Connection.Open(); oDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); oDbCommand.Connection.Close(); } catch (SqlException oException) { vWriteSQLErrorMessage(oException, " sql = " + strSql); if (oException.Errors[0].Number == 911) // Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'EPOL_PROD3'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.Number Error Type: 911 { bValid = false; } else { MessageBox.Show(oException.Errors[0].Message + " sql = " + strSql + " State = " + oException.Errors[0].Number); bValid = false; } } return bValid; } static public bool CreateDatabase(string strDatabaseName) { if (UseDatabase(strDatabaseName) == false) { if (ExecuteNoQueryOnMaster("create database " + strDatabaseName)) { return UseDatabase(strDatabaseName); } } return true; } static public bool UseDatabase(string strDatabaseName) { bool bRet = ExecuteNoQueryOnMaster("use " + strDatabaseName); return bRet; } } }

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