Electronic Democracy


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The real driver of economy is not money but clever initiatives. A powerful country is a country who a constitution which makes it efficient in filtering clever to non-appropriate initiatives.


The electronic democracy will be strongly inspired from electronic capitalism in its application. So, it will give the evolutionary potential towards specialization and efficiency to the public sector. As public sector represents 20 to 50 % of the national GDP, we can expect that the economy will grow at least 20 to 50 % faster depending of the size of this public sector.


In reality, we can expect from this revolution even more growth. The reason of this extra growth came from the fact:


First, the tax regulation will be move under the control of the nation; As people will have the power to bring tax down, they will have no fear to bring then temporary up to finance real projects corresponding to real need. Taxes will become national investment or national expenses. So, the tax framework will evolve towards complex mathematical models comparable to the one used in modern finance.  The tax system will become extremely flexible.  When there are many investment opportunities, people will decrease taxes so as to have more cash to finance stock offering in the private sector. In the opposite, in case of economic crisis, people will focus their energy on public projects so as to guarantee them job and so they will increase taxes to reduce the social impact of the economic crisis. Another illustration of this point is that in a case of foreign threat, the army tax burden would increase sharply to face the danger because people would get the confidence that they have right to reduce those taxes while the threat disappears.


The second point is that research is a main driver in real economic growth if this research is applied to the technological structure of the country. Engineer might choose to pay their tax in nature by working for free in research center instead of paying taxes to finance research. In doing so, they will create a bridge between national research and the private sector.


The third point is that people will have the political strength and the capacities to create new cities in location where lands its cheap. They will become strong enough to force businesses to relocate in cheap area where houses are affordable. This point will have an extraordinary impact in the real buying power of people.



The last point is that if we study politics in Republic of Rome more than 2300 year ago, we are surprised how little different than it was from today politic. The limitation and dialectics are the same. And, we are still in the system of pay before and we will talk about political engagement again during the next election. On the opposite, if we study the economical and financial world, we are surprised that how much things are changed. There is such of a structural catch up that the state monopoly prevents to really do, that we can expect an explosive economic growth from such a flexible constitutional environment.