A new technology
to write down the law system has appeared: Expert System. The law writing system is much better than a law based on an
ever evolving tradition but it has the inconvenient that there is a risk of voting contradictory laws. And so, when
laws become too many to be known, the risk of voting laws which contradict preceding one increases. A new political movement
can appear with in own vocabulary and so vote laws with their new world which contradicts former law.
The usage of
a "computer language" instead of a natural language will solve this issue and guarantee that the law is hierarchies from
the article 1 to the last without any contradiction.
This new way
to write the law will make the legal expert system the core of the electronic democracy computer software.
The expert software will be able to verify automatically that all initiatives are done correctly and according to the
Expert system
is currently used in the medical sector and the technological world to gather and retrieve technological knowledge. Its best
application will be by far the legal framework and provide a nearly free democratic legal advice by Internet. It could revolutionaries
the legal institution in deciding automatically who should pay the legal fee to initiate the procedure: defendant or prosecutor.
It will also lead
to the emergence of an economical and more efficient electronic justice. The law question will be consulate
by Internet and law arbitrage will be issue between parties almost instantaneously and at nearly no charges.